Tuesday, November 1, 2016

So far, Poland hasn't been that well. But it will be better once we start to travel to different countries. Then I think living here will be better. This Christmas we get to go to Denver, Colorado to see Uncle Boo and Aunt Ariana (Moo too). School is OK and I think I'm starting to make some friends. I hope it goes well this year and I make more so I'm not that lonely. The teacher said we're going to get school laptops so I'm excited about that. I wonder what kind they'll be. Today is Tuesday and we have school tomorrow. We had a mini fall break so that's why we didn't have school this Monday and Tuesday. It's getting colder as the days go by and we're all bundling up in winter coats. I'm going to miss all the sunshine from Thailand.

This past fall break we went to Prague and Vienna. My favorite part about Prague was the electric bike tour. You pedaled and then the bikes motor turned on and you could go really fast. The food there was delicious and one of the dessert food we had was a trydlo. We call it a turdlo. It's baked dough wrapped in a swirl on a stick and roasted over coals. Then you put sugar on it and you can add nutella, ice cream and other stuff. 
Vienna was fun but we didn't go on the Ferris wheel. The food there was also super good. At one restaurant we order soup and it came in a pot with meat at the bottom when you eat it all. We went to an opera/concert thingy and saw really talented musicians play and sing.

That trip was fun especially when Aunt Kelly was there. 

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