Wednesday, December 21, 2016


At the beginning of the Christmas holiday, we went to Venice. We met Sarah Collie there for her birthday.
The first day we just walked around the places near our hotel and ate at a little restaurant where we got this square pizza thing to eat.
The next day we met up with Sarah's family and went on a walking tour all around Venice. We went through side streets and town squares and ended up on an island with a view of Venice. After the tour, we went to a place for lunch and then got our first gelato. 
The next day we saw our old friends from Thailand (Francesco and Kiara). I had squid ink pasta at the restaurant we met them. Then we walked and stopped for hot cocoa. That was the last hour until we had to say goodbye.
This day was Sarah;s birthday. We gave her some presents and then we headed off to another island which had a bunch of colorful buildings and rivers. We had a birthday lunch and went off for another gelato. Sarah said it was her best birthday in a while.
On our last day, we walked with Sarah and her family for an hour and went on a boat back to the airport. We'll all miss Francesca and Otto!
Next, we have Colorado!


The last trip I went on was to the city of Berlin. We went with the Walpoles (but Clark calls them the pancakes).
The first day we went to a science and technology museum. There was a bunch of techno things you could play around with. They had games you could play with your eyes, DJ-ing, projector ping pong and more. The coolest thing was the virtual haircut. You put on headphones and the sound gives you a haircut. When the person in the background put the razor on it felt like it was on my head! The last thing we did there was the virtual reality. You put on big glasses over your eyes and you could watch a short movie and look all around you. That was a good starter for the trip.
The second day, we got up had breakfast and walked to the Berlin wall to look at all the graffiti. Then we went to a mall and had lunch right outside. Later that night we went to the Christmas market. This was the highlight of the day because there was and ice slide where you can on a tube, climb to the top of a slide and slide down. The market had hot cocoa, curry wurst and mold wine (for the parents). The last thing we did there was going ice skating. At first, it was hard, but then I could slide really fast.
On the last day we did a walking tour around the areas where Hitler was and a memorial of the soldiers.
Berlin will be a good place to come back to.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

So far, Poland hasn't been that well. But it will be better once we start to travel to different countries. Then I think living here will be better. This Christmas we get to go to Denver, Colorado to see Uncle Boo and Aunt Ariana (Moo too). School is OK and I think I'm starting to make some friends. I hope it goes well this year and I make more so I'm not that lonely. The teacher said we're going to get school laptops so I'm excited about that. I wonder what kind they'll be. Today is Tuesday and we have school tomorrow. We had a mini fall break so that's why we didn't have school this Monday and Tuesday. It's getting colder as the days go by and we're all bundling up in winter coats. I'm going to miss all the sunshine from Thailand.

This past fall break we went to Prague and Vienna. My favorite part about Prague was the electric bike tour. You pedaled and then the bikes motor turned on and you could go really fast. The food there was delicious and one of the dessert food we had was a trydlo. We call it a turdlo. It's baked dough wrapped in a swirl on a stick and roasted over coals. Then you put sugar on it and you can add nutella, ice cream and other stuff. 
Vienna was fun but we didn't go on the Ferris wheel. The food there was also super good. At one restaurant we order soup and it came in a pot with meat at the bottom when you eat it all. We went to an opera/concert thingy and saw really talented musicians play and sing.

That trip was fun especially when Aunt Kelly was there. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Brand New Poland

The flight to Frankfurt, Germany is twelve hours long. The good thing is we get to fly Business Class there so we get to recline are seat all the way back and get VIP service. The food was much nicer and richer than economy. Once we get there we take another o ne hour flight to Wroclaw, Poland. The drive to our house is only fifteen minutes so that's a bonus.

The new house is really cool. It has four floor (including the basement) and it's really big. My room is small but once the shipment comes it will be much better. The house is more modern because lots of the things like the stove and lights are more plain and electric. The loft upstairs is going to be a really cool area for us to play Wii and for Clark to play with his Lego and toys. I think it will be really cool once the shipment comes to Poland.

I hope we can make a lot of friends here and know people. Right now I don't feel like that but I will soon. Once school starts I can have a better chance of making more friends. Though the school suppl list is very large meaning three pages long 😑

Just A Short Leaving Post

I've lived in Thailand for almost 4 years. Now, I'm moving to Wroclaw, Poland. 

Moving to Thailand has changed my life. I've been to more than 10 different countries in Asia and all of them have given a great experience. I have made a lot of new friends here and I'm going to be pretty sad to leave them but I'm going to make new ones in the future

Europe is going to be much more different than Asia. Different languages, cultures, foods and more (colder weather too). At least I'll be able to touch snow from three years of not being able to in the country of (humid and hot) Thailand. The language is supposed to be much harder there but I'll learn it soon. I'm exited to move but I'll really miss Thailand.

Thailand has been great, by Nate and a whole new experience waits ahead.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Koa Chang (An Island off of Thailand)

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written a blogpost in such a long time but now I am.
On the way to Koa Chang we had to drive in a crowded car with my Aunt and Grandparents. When we got to the boat, we put are car on it and went to the second floor. The reason we put the car on it was because the boat was a ferry (pronounced as fairy and not a magical fairy though).   
                  When we got to the island we went to a hotel called the Amari. The Amari is a Thai hotel chain. When we went to our room, we unpacked, put on our bathing suits and went to the pool. There was a mini pool that was 4 feet deep and a big pool that was about 5 feet deep. We swam in both. Although the smaller one was warmer. 
                  After we were done swimming we had a couple snacks and had dinner. For my dinner I had Macaroni and Cheese. It was really good. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Elephant Nature Park

I went on a trip for round square week at my school. Round square week is when we take a week off and go away from school to learn. For my round square week I went to the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai Thailand.
The Elephant Nature Park is a park in Chiang Mai Thailand for Elephants that a Lady rescued and the lady's name is Khun Lek (Koon-Lek)(Khun=Mrs/Mr). 
It was a trip to learn about what elephants need to be treated like. Now I'll tell  you what I learned. 
The the most important thing I learned was that elephants are not tools. They are living creatures like us. They don't want to be trapped up in tiny little cages; they want to be free like us. Would you like it if you were trapped up in a cage for your whole life with people/tourists looking and taking pictures of you? It would be annoying, wouldn't it? I also learned that the elephants are an important part of Thai culture.  They are respected and honored by the people, yet some people live in the woods and put the elephants in tiny cages and hit the elephants with hoes, sticks and all sorts of things. This goes on for days until the elephants finally listen. It's sad to hear this but it's also good to know that people like Khun Lek are trying to help the elephants
My favorite part was washing the elephants (you can see the picture below).  We stayed in cabins and ate delicious food, but that's another story. I'll tell you more later but now I have to jump in my pool. Can't take the computer with me!

Me washing the Elephants